Poetry #44

Open Oh Below

crush this forehead quick on brick,
stick this visage hidden in cage,
blush so bad and drown in sweat—
flick like mad to be thrown i bet!

blurry; it all restarted in memory,
ineluctable, inevitable—oh shame on me.
deity above, why today is the day to wish to die
sob for blab, still a lie to relay ends in dismay and cry.

oh feelings so unstable begins such fire!
overwhelmed now then in situation so dire.
no, oh ground below where i stood glued,
no shape to escape in cape in this crude mood.

a thief was the supposed focus of this chase,
no tip and i ended up in a terrifying mistake.
a slap in my greetings pronto presto set me in blaze.
man, crap! the man in handcuff was Blake!

literally a tearful reunion after high school,
weepy before my graceful crush still cool.
confusion shifted to smile in recognition,
“Rio?!” His yell triggers my yell, “open oh below!”
