Poetry #41

A Lion In His Forest

thy shriek of the wild,
as the carcasses pile up,
the rest who breathe hide
for a beast slaughters in his stop

as his teeth grow deeper,
his eyes shine piercer—
affright the animals were,
king of that forest he was, they consider

thy crowned yet not desire as its top
for the ground was not his forest
a home awaits for him after this stop;
a place he wishes the acknowledgement of the rest

victorious and triumphant was he
in a battlefield he alone accomplished,
feared and respected by many,
the lion surely was feverish.

yet the kingdom he respected roars,
cast away his very being through growls
a mere lion was a mere mouse
amidst the forest he sees as his house.

his hunt over the rest of the lion
a victim for a victim, saddened was him
compared by targets, rather than capability of nets
a mere mouse with no enormous hunt in comparison

tamed through fear, whipped through ear.
a respected lion was but a mouse alone
in a forest he respected, a forest where he was rejected.
incapable of anything; impossible to be a king.

- viii.xviii.xix