Formulating Thoughts to Solve This Feeling
i thought i would marry Calculus—
foundation of flawless bridges’ infrastructures,
the one which I am constantly and continuously amused;
each time it tells the motion of astronomical bodies,
each time it tells the movement of sound and light,
as it ascertain weather pattern without amiss,
the way it strengthen electronic systems’ might.
until you came along, as if a limit as I became a function—
approaching as i realize even more your value.
and i found myself wondering in confusion,
if temperature can be measured with ice cubes so few,
as it sunk in a warm glass of water as its limit is revealed,
can we too measure our compatibility?
for i see this equivalent to how i melted.
but you did not like Calculus as i do,
so i wished for its importance be known to you,
the beauty of digits and its play with the variables,
an art within an art on how equations unveiled equations,
it constantly changes to analyze changes in values in functions.
learn how you are my limit with a value of infinity,
i’m an x getting closer and closer to you as a,
affection played by f(x) then gets bigger and bigger for thee,
it increases without bound, i’ll say.
forsooth Calculus studies phenomena involving change,
as it introduces mind to scientific method of analysis,
it is essential to the world as you are to me.
though we may still be two substations miles away from each other,
i’d connect us through integrations to determine exact length of cable needed.
let us have a bond like having a wide graph,
we were like existing two-sided limits after all;
same even if we came from opposite directions.
and though fights occur like removable discontinuity appear,
affection may fill that single point as a repair.
for this feelings are like essential discontinuity—
it goes on and on without a limit, really.
if there’d be obstacles as if a curve in a graph,
let me be with thee in its minima and maxima,
all while understanding its occurrence and lessons,
like integral Calculus does to area beneath a curve;
it’s how I’d construct safe road to you the way Calculus does for us.
in the process, i hope you’d eventually obtain it—
interest in me and interest even in Calculus’s Limit,
as you recognize its power, pleasure and significance,
it’s the core of business growth in marginal analysis,
it’s the biologists’ way of determining bacteria growth rate,
it’s through Calculus wise inventions pullulate.
like derivative, this may be instantaneous rate of change,
with my being as the function which had the point,
but i understand the direction of all these,
and the steepness of this line i try not to miss,
like as described by a number of slope or gradient of line,
however, i’ll wait until you too gain thoughts to formulate.